
Daniel Stark

As a Software Engineer with a passion for video games and video game music, I have a strong imagination, great communication skills, a talent for explaining code, and the ability to remain calm under pressure.


About Me


As a highly skilled Software Engineer and Cloud solutions expert, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Currently working for Microsoft on the Azure Resource Manager team, I provide crucial support to senior cloud engineers from various companies, guiding them through the development of Azure Policies, ARM templates, Bicep templates, and Terraform IAC. With a talent for troubleshooting unexpected behavior, I also share my expertise on best practices for IAC, Policy, and ARM SDKs.

When I'm not working, I moonlight as a Teaching Assistant for the UCLA Coding Bootcamp, imparting my knowledge to eager students as I guide them through the creation of full-stack web applications using the MERN stack. Whether it's frontend technologies like Semantic HTML, Responsive CSS, and DOM Manipulation with JavaScript, or backend technologies like Node, Express, GraphQL, MongoDB, and SQL, I'm a developer who brings both creativity and technical skill to the table.

NameDaniel Stark
LocationOrange County, CA
linkedinDaniel Stark
Phone(+1) 949 396-3988
  • University California, Irvine
    ( 2021 )

    Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp

    A 24 Unit intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Express, Handelbars.js & ReactJS.

React.js, Next.js, HTML5, JavaScript ES6+

CSS3, Bootstrap, Material UI

Express(REST), GraphQL, JsonWebToken(JWT)

SQL, NoSQL, Mongoose(MongoDB), Sequelize(MySQL)

C#, Typescript, Git

Comfortable working in MERN and ASP .NET stacks. Open to learning new technologies and frameworks. Very familiar with Agile development methodologies. Great understanding of Object Oriented Programming and Software Design Patterns.

Software Engineer Portfolio

Featured Projects

Cloud Engineering Knowledge


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Get In Touch

Reach out to me on LinkedIn or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!


Daniel Stark